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Trips and Adventures

At Smithdon we believe that trips are more than just an outing away from School (or home). What appears to be a simple ‘trip’ is much more than that: it is a learning opportunity; it is a chance to gain a new and exciting experience; it is an opportunity to go on an adventure – whether for a few hours or a few days (or, in at least one case, a few weeks!)

We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to experience life and activities outside of their normal environment, and sometimes in a challenging situation, at least once in their educational journey at school. As such, while there have been numerous opportunities to gain these experiences in the past (see below), we are always trying to increase the number of these experiences available to students and also in a range of areas of interest – so that everyone wants to attend at least one ‘trip’ with us.

If the cost of trips is a concern for you, please do contact our Finance Officer – see the Learner Support Fund page – as there is help available to subsidise trips, subject to certain criteria.

Planned Adventures

Year 7 Norfolk Lakes Adventure

Year 7 are given the opportunity to get to know their new peers even better, learn how to support one another, and discover previously unknown personal strengths – as well as see their tutors and some of their teachers in a whole different environment, at Norfolk Lakes Manor Adventure Outdoor Residential Centre.

The students take part in team-building activities, dorm-room experiences, fun games and (often) their first days away from home without family members. The outdoor pursuits include climbing, high ropes and kayaking, which require plenty of energy, so the students are also provided with three tasty, hot meals each day cooked by the resident chefs.

Norfolk Lakes adventures can be seen here.

Geography Fieldwork – various dates

Years 10 and 11 are required to carry out field work as part of the GCSE course – one is a Coastal Unit, the other an Urban Unit. The purpose of the day is to see the aspects of physical and environmental geography in situ, to carry out research and gain a greater understanding of the theory taught in lessons.

Previous fieldwork adventures can be seen here.

Paris – July 2023

An opportunity to explore a major foreign city, experience a different culture, and practise the French language skills that have been learnt during MFL lessons.

Past Adventures

Below is just a sample of some of our recent adventures – both in school and further afield:

Visitors to / Events at Smithdon

  • The COSMOS Science Roadshow (Science)
  • Performance of Macbeth (English)
  • Performance of A Christmas Carol (English)
  • Various Health and Social Care speakers
    • from UEA, Norwich
    • from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn (several departments)
  • Bikeability team – for cycling safety certificates
  • Art Workshops with specialists (e.g. Paint Me Ceramics)
  • Maths Challenge (Maths)
  • Dow Projects (Science/Maths)


  • RAF Marham STEMM Challenge (STEMM/DT)
  • New York Trip (Art)
  • Urban Fieldwork, Hunstanton town centre and Norwich city centre (Geography)
  • Coastal Fieldwork, Happisburgh, Sheringham and Cley (Geography)
  • Various theatre trips, King’s Lynn, Cambridge, Norwich and London including:
    • An Inspector Calls (English/Drama)
    • The Woman in Black (Drama)
    • Poetry Live (English)
    • Bloodbrothers (Drama)
  • Hunstanton Drama Festival (Drama)
  • Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre experience, London (English)
  • Nottingham Galleries (Art)
  • Various work with local primary schools (see Community Collaboration with primaries)
  • Various university visits, including Lincoln University, UEA, Cambridge University
  • Michaelmas Mathematics Symposium, Norwich (Maths)
  • RSPB “Snettisham Spectacular” event (Year 7)
  • Maths Conference, King’s Lynn Corn Exchange (Maths)
  • Bushcraft adventure
  • Big Bang Science Fair, Anglia Ruskin Chelmsford (Science)
  • Rewards Trips – including:
    • Norwich city centre
    • Alton Towers
    • Pleasurewood Hills
    • Cinema trip
  • Curriculum Enhancement Week – including:
    • Banham Zoo
    • London – museums, the city, theatre
    • Camping
    • Harry Potter World
  • Skiing (PE)
  • Local Carehome Christmas Concerts (Music)