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At Smithdon High School we believe that students make great progress when parents are working in partnership with us. Parents are always welcome in school and our friendly reception team will do their best to give you the support and information that you need.

Parents should contact your child’s Pastoral Manager, via telephone or email, to pass on any relevant information that the school needs to be aware or, or to raises any concerns. Parents can also contact your child’s tutor directly – though via email is usually best. Any matters relating to attendance/absence should be addressed to the Attendance Officer in the first instance. Please see the Contact Us page for all relevant details.

Our partnership with parents is a key focus for us – as such, we encourage parents to use the SIMS App to enable you to monitor your child’s interactions in school, to see Rewards Points and Consequences issued. For key information we regularly contact parents via text messages and sending letters through email, so please ensure the details that we hold for you are always the most up to date. We also keep in contact through letters and newsletters: we love to share the students’ successes, as well as work in partnership when students make mistakes.

For regular updates on what is happening in school, however, please follow us on Twitter @Smithdon_High