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Community Collaboration with Primaries

Working With Our Primary Partners

At Smithdon we understand that knowledge of our students’ primary education and experience is vital in enabling them to make the best possible progress at high school. Consequently, we work closely alongside our cluster primary schools (and a number outside of our cluster) to ensure a smooth transition and pave the way for a continuous, successful educational experience.

We run events throughout the academic year both at Smithdon and in the primary schools.

Reading Rangers

Every year, Miss Taylor (our brilliant librarian) trains a group of Year 7 students to become “Reading Rangers”. They are trained to support younger students with their reading and to encourage independent reading. Once trained, the group then visits our primary schools over a series of weeks, to support Year 5 students with their independent reading development in their Literacy lessons.


British Science Week

Each year during British Science Week (usually beginning in the second week of March) Smithdon’s STEMM Club students, led by Mrs Soper, run a science outreach programme.

Students  travel around our primary schools to deliver a well-prepared lesson and workshop to Years 3 and 4 students, following the year’s British Science Week identified theme.

Art Exhibition 

Each year Smithdon High School presents their Art Exhibition, featuring work from a number of our primary schools’ pupils as well as our own students. This excellent collaboration also includes canapes cooked and served by our after-school Food Club and music from our talented musicians.


Primary School Sports Festival

Smithdon’s Year 10 students all complete a Smithdon Sports Leaders course in their PE lessons. The leadership skills developed are then put into practice in the summer term, when we host the Smithdon Primary School Sports Festival.

Over 350 Year 3 & 4 pupils from 10 local primary schools attend an Olympic-themed sports festival, fully organised and delivered by our Year 10 Sports Leaders over one day.

Click here to read the report from our 2021 event

Primary Orchestra

Run by Eddie Seales and ably supported by our fantastic music teacher Miss Miller the primary orchestra as well as some of our Smithdon orchestral students meets every Tuesday to practice and perform together. The collection of students range from Years 4 to 7 and perform at our Christmas, Spring and Summer concerts held at Smithdon as well as having opportunities to perform at other trust orchestral events.

Transition Day

We will always hold a day each year to focus solely on the transition of all our primary students. Usually held at the end of the Summer term all prospective students will be invited into Smithdon for a day of activities and orientation. This is a great opportunity for students to meet the staff and familiarise themselves with the school. It is also a fantastic day for making new friends from other primary schools. We also hold additional transition days for students with additional needs and for those students that are joining us from smaller primaries or homeschooling that don’t know many other students in their year group.