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Hospitality and Catering Curriculum Overview

Catering and Hospitality KS4 Curriculum Topics


Term 1

Term 2

Term 1

Term 2

Term 1

Term 2


Unit 1 - Hospitality and catering providers. Unit 2 - Eatwell guide, life stages and nutrients. Practical skills - vegetable preparation, sauce making and piping using these skills to make whole dishes. Unit 1 Working in/and conditions in the industry and factors to success. Unit 2 - Impacts of cooking methods on nutritional value. Practical skills - Dough making, pastry. Unit 1 -Health and safety in the industry and food safety. Unit 2 - Factors that affect dish choices - Practical skills - Dough making, pastry. Unit 1 Operation of front and back of house, customer requirements and how to meet customer needs. Unit 2 -Building preparation and cooking skills and Practical skills - Dough making, pastry. Unit 1 -Unit 1 -Food related causes of ill health, signs & symptoms and preventative control. The role of the environmental officer. Unit 2 - Practical skills including accompaniments Unit 1 & Unit 2 - Understanding a timeplan, creating one and completing a full Mock NEA


Unit 1 -Revision for PPE’s Unit 2 - Recap Eatwell guide, life stages and nutrients. Impacts of cooking methods on nutritional value. Practical - using high risk foods Unit 2 - NEA assessment Unit 1 - Recap and revision food safety, health and safety in the industry, working in and the conditions. Exam prep-theory Exam prep-theory Exam prep-theory