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What is the provision for special educational needs at the school?

Smithdon High School has access to support from a number of different services.

Reasonable adjustments are made to cater for the needs of individual children and we have a variety of programmes to boost and support pupils if necessary.

In addition, we employ Learning Support Assistants, who deliver interventions within the provision map co-ordinated by the SENDCo.





Additional support for learning

Equipment/Resources for additional support:

We use a range of individual or group programmes to assist learners according to their needs. 

Any specific or physical requirements will be assessed individually and equipment will be provided, where possible, to meet those needs with the help of the Local Authority SEND services. 

All learners should have the same opportunity to access extra-curricular activities.  The school offers a range of additional clubs and activities and is committed to making reasonable adjustments to ensure participation for all.

Co-Curricular Activities

We have a number of extra-curricular activities that take place at Smithdon High School, ranging from after school clubs to residential trips abroad.

We support students on these by ensuring we make reasonable adjustments are made that every young person is included in every aspect of school life.

We therefore undertake risk assessments for all our pupils in conjunction with the school trip leader, parents, and any outside agency where appropriate.

All our buildings are wheelchair accessible and we have a number of disabled facilities within school. Ranging from toilet facilities to parking bays.