Smithdon students power up at team-building event
Restoring energy after a ‘major power outage’ was one of the challenges faced by Smithdon High School students when they participated in ‘Operation Blackout’.
The 120 Year 7s from our school were taking part in a day of team building exercises which saw them work in groups to complete a number of ‘missions’, including an SOS box, transporting water and equipment from one location to another, learning how electricity runs along a line, and constructing a tower for electric cables.
“Students started the day by listening to a ‘breaking news’ clip which set the scene for the day,” said our Assistant Headteacher Alysha Moat, who organised the event. “There had been a major power outage and the students had to figure out how to get the electricity back on.
“Students decided in their groups who they thought would be most suitable in each role, which was advertised in a newspaper about the situation – Team Leader, Lead Scout, Second in Command, Chief of Design, Logistics Specialist.”
“Students had to complete nine missions throughout the day, whilst learning how to work as a team and with others they may not have worked with.”
“The day was based around the RESPECT Framework: Resilience, Empathy, Self Awareness, Positivity, Excellence, Communication, Team Work,” she continued.
“Students reflected on these throughout the day, understanding what their strengths and weaknesses were in different scenarios.”
It was the second time that Smithdon, which is part of the West Norfolk Academies Trust, had participated in the event, with the current Year 8 cohort having taken the course last year.
“Highlights were seeing students gain confidence and develop their communication skills,” added Ms Moat. “They learnt a lot about each other and were able to work as teams successfully.
“The best moments were when a student completed a task successfully after making several attempts. They showed determination and perseverance.
“The day is really important to settle the students in their new school and meet people. It is also a step up to going on their PGL residential trip in July.”