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Smithdon celebrates students’ successes

Smithdon High School celebrated its high achievers at two separate prize-giving events.

The Key Stage 3 Celebration Assembly took place on 10 July, when over 200 parents and staff joined students from Years 7, 8 and 9 at our school, which is part of the West Norfolk Academies Trust.

Prizes were awarded to 100 students over the course of the evening, with Mike Johnson, Assistant Head for Pastoral Care, presenting subject progress and attainment certificates and badges, while Head of PE Jamie Tilley handed out PE awards, certificates, badges and trophies.

The evening concluded with our Headteacher, Amanda Gibbins, giving certificates and badges to the winners of the ‘Smithdon Seven’ awards (for students demonstrating self belief, ambition, responsibility, community, ‘being prepared’, respect, and/or pride).

She also awarded star badges to the year’s ‘Smithdon Stars’, for showing characteristics of the Seven and embodying the school’s motto of ‘Work Hard, Be Kind, and Smile’.

Musical entertainment was provided by Year 7 rock band The Unknown, who performed Survivor’s ‘Eye of the Tiger’ and ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’ by Guns N Roses.

“Events like this are important to celebrate our awesome students and look back at the year,” said Mr Johnson. “This year, it was especially difficult to select the students who stood out over the year, as so many have made phenomenal progress.”

“Each term, the school holds Celebration Assemblies, where teachers select a class award for every class they teach, and students are identified for having displayed aspects of the Smithdon Seven, but the end-of-year Awards Evening brings the culmination of a whole year’s success and progress,” added Mrs Gibbins.

“This makes it all the more special, and it is vital that we acknowledge the impact of all the effort these students have put into their learning over the year.”

Previously it had been the turn of our Year 10 students to take the spotlight, when their achievements were celebrated in an assembly attended by the whole year group, their tutors, and some parents.

Subject awards were given, as well as prizes for attendance, conduct, and outstanding contributions to the PE, Music, Art and Drama Departments, form tutor awards, and the Smithdon Star Award for the summer term.

“We have had some fantastic success this year from our Year 10 students,” said our Assistant Head, Dan Ward, who is Head of Years 10 and 11 at Smithdon, and led the event.

“It is always an enjoyable experience being able to celebrate the students’ achievements. They are half-way through their GCSE studies, and celebrating their successes can be used as a motivational factor to continue to achieve into Year 11.”