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Best Results Ever, Again!

Students at Smithdon High School achieved a record number of Level 4 passes and above in English and Maths; 67% achieved this measure beating the previous record of 65% set in 2017.

There were also increases in the number of students achieving Level 5 passes, Level 7 passes and Level 9 passes.

“We are absolutely thrilled with the continual improvements at the school,” Rob Lodge, Chair of Governors said. “And would like to congratulate all the students and staff for their hard work and great results.”

Top students include Lauren Taylor and Matthew Garrard who achieved 4 Grade 9s, 6 grade 8s and 6 grade 7s between them; Lauren and Matthew joined Smithdon from primary school and have been friends since the age of 4.

The top attaining student was Shannon Tucker who achieved Grade 9s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, Grade 8s in English Literature, Maths, PE and RE and Grade 7s in English Language.

“Shannon typifies the students at Smithdon High School,” Claire Pike, Shannon’s form tutor since she started in Year 7. “She demonstrates the values of Strength, Integrity and Excellence.”