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​​​​​​​SMITHDON CELEBRATES SUPER SET OF GCSE RESULTS​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

There was a real cause for celebration at Smithdon this morning as students from Year 11 received their GCSE results after two years of turmoil due to the global pandemic. 

High achievers included Jack Bolderstone, who attained eight grade 9s and three grade 8s; and Eleanor Paterson who achieved four grade 9s, four grade 8s, one  grade 7. 

Eleanor said: "I am so happy with my results but in particular, I was really happy with getting a grade 7 in Maths. Because of everything we've been through, we all needed more drive and determination to get these results, and I'm really proud of myself and what I've achieved."

We have been working hard to raise standards and aspirations in recent years, and today saw more students than ever going on to Springwood Sixth Form to study A Levels as a result of the continued efforts of the students and staff and the excellent progress being made by so many students.

Headteacher John Hirst said: “After receiving the good news at the end of term regarding the government investment into the school buildings, it is even more satisfying to see the rewards of so much hard work translated into outstanding grades and such promising futures. A big congratulations to all of our students who continue to impress me with their dedication and successes.”

Amanda Gibbins, Head of School, added: “I must congratulate all the staff at Smithdon, who responded so positively to the changes and worked extremely hard to make sure that no student was disadvantaged.”

Other high achievers at Smithdon included Thomas Wilson and Alana Raby, each achieving grades 7-9 or equivalent in all 11 of their subjects, including several at grade 9. Both will start their A-Level studies at Springwood next month.

Thomas said: "I'm over the moon because I've worked so hard for these results. With COVID, it has been difficult for all of us but I think in one way it has helped me as it's made me a stronger person and it helped push me to work harder."

Alana added: "I was so shocked when I opened my results but right now I'm so happy. I can't believe that I got two 9s. I wasn't expecting to have done so well. The last couple of years have been tough with the online lessons but I've put so much work into my GCSEs and I feel like the hard work has been worth it."

Matt Knott, Assistant Head for Key Stage 4, said: “The students missed so much curriculum time due to national lockdowns but have worked with immense determination and positivity to ensure they achieve the grades required to reach their post-16 destinations. 

"They have been an absolute credit to the school and local community. The level of maturity and resilience shown in the most difficult of circumstances sets a fantastic example to the younger members of our school community. I am so very proud.’’

Andy Gee, Chair of Governors, added: "I am delighted to see so many students celebrating their achievements and excited for their next step in education.”